A Freight Forwarder is like a travel agent for your shipments. They work closely with you, your suppliers, and transportation providers to move your imported and exported goods around the world. There are many steps involved when shipping cargos overseas. You would want somebody who have experience dealing with the carriers / airlines, customs, terminal […]
Yes. We are FMC-regulated NVOCC and CBSA-regulated ocean and air freight forwarder. Everything that we do must comply to the regulations set out by these bodies, if the goods are coming into and out of the USA or Canada. Failure to do so will result in our business licenses revoked, along with a hefty fine!
Weger sit amet mauris a erat interdum bibendum. Duis ullamcorper, risus sed elementum ullamcorper, nunc tellus ullamcorper neque, vitae elit metus eu libero. Nullam in iaculis sapien.
Please reach out to us, and one of our sales representative will be in touch with you for the most up-to-date rates for any of the logistics inquiry you have. We don’t have our pricing structured posted publicly, to protect other businesses in the market, and also to cut cost (this will also benefit you, […]
Integer orci turpis, sodales in sem non, congue pulvinar quam. In sapien lorem, pharetra tristique pretium nec nibh. Nulla a magna molestie venenatis. Etiam nec cursus felis.
It depends on where you’re shipping to cargo to. If to the USA, somewhere between 25 and 45 days can be expected. There are many factors that also affect this duration, such as destination location (eg. East Coast vs West Coast, inland ports versus base ports), whether there is any congestion, delays, catastrophes, etc.), whether […]
Duis at consectetur quam, vel imperdiet libero. Nulla aliquam cursus tortor, quis consequat purus tempor sed. Etiam semper tellus semper eros malesuada posuere. Donec lobortis nulla eros.
Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Air Freight is fast, has better temperature control, and provides a quicker turnaround for your business. However, it can be costly, and not everything can be shipped via air (eg. Battery). Ocean Freight on the other hand takes more time to reach the destination, and the process is […]
Nullam vitae tincidunt sapien. Maecenas vulputate massa elit, in volutpat elit dictum nec. Aliquam et feugiat sem. Sed blandit augue quis viverra sem fermentum. Proin sem quam.
Mauris in eleifend libero. Maecenas hendrerit euismod justo, vel sodales augue condimentum eget. Cras consequat metus eget tellus feugiat varius. Ut malesuada congue hendrerit, turpis mattis ipsum.